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Well with cooler weather comes allergies. My allergies have been driving my crazy. I guess they were provoked by all the football and soccer fields I've gone to in the past month and the ragweed blooming. Everyone I know have had allergies too. For someone with a prosthetic eye it is worse. I have to take Allegra daily to keep the mucus down in my right eye. When I was at my oculist Tal Cox he said everyone has complained for dry eyes and allergies this summer. After leaving the grocery store last night feeling like I could not stop rubbing my eyes I went home and took some Allegra and grabbed an ice pack to sooth my lids. I also put drops in both eyes. Refresh Plus (OTC) for dry eyes and Zylet (Rx) anti-inflammatory . When I woke up this morning my lids were puffer and matted over (conjunctivitis / pink eye) so I grabbed a wash rag and my Clinique All About The Eyes roll on. For the next few days I'll take 160mg of Allegra instead of my usual 80mg. I can't take that much everyday due to the risk of drying out my left cornea and feeling like everything is lighter in color which I experienced today while I went to lunch with friends. At least I'm not bombarded with allergies everyday. Hopefully the ragweed will stop blooming soon.
Allergic conjunctivitis causes itching, redness and excessive tearing in both eyes. Your nose also may be stuffy, itchy and runny.
Bacterial conjunctivitis often spreads to both eyes and causes a heavy discharge, sometimes greenish. Crusting may appear on eyelids.
Viral conjunctivitis usually affects only one eye, which has excessive watering and a light discharge. Crusting on eyelids sometimes occurs.

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