Dealing with Vision Loss

Low vision rehabilitative services can provide people with the help and resources needed to regain their independence.
It is important to understand that visual acuity alone is not a good predictor of the degree of visual difficulty that a person may have. Someone with relatively good acuity (e.g., 20/40) can have difficulty functioning, while someone with worse acuity (e.g., 20/100) might not be experiencing any significant functional problems. Other visual factors such as poor depth perception, limited side vision, extreme sensitivity to lights and glare, and reduced color perception can also limit a person's ability to do everyday tasks.
However, low vision rehabilitative services can provide people with the help and resources needed to regain their independence. Individuals with low vision can be taught a variety of techniques to allow performance of daily activities with the remaining vision.
Your doctor of optometry can help plan a rehabilitation program so that you may resume an independent life within your condition's limitations. A wide variety of rehabilitation options are available to help people with low vision live and work more effectively, efficiently, and safely. Most people can be helped with one or more low vision treatment options. The more commonly prescribed devices are:
- Spectacle-mounted magnifiers — A magnifying lens is mounted in spectacles (this type of system is called a microscope) or on a special headband. This allows use of both hands to complete a close-up task, such as writing a letter.
- Hand-held or spectacle-mounted telescopes — These miniature telescopes are useful for seeing longer distances, such as across the room to watch television, and can also be modified for near (reading) tasks.
- Hand-held and stand magnifiers — These are convenient for short-term reading of things such as price tags, labels, and instrument dials. Both types can be equipped with lights.
- Video magnification — Table-top (closed-circuit television) or head-mounted systems enlarge reading material on a video display. Some systems can be used for distance views tasks. These are portable systems, and those that can be used with a computer or monitor. Image brightness, image size, contrast, and foreground/background color and illumination can be customized.
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