Sunday, July 15, 2012


I haven't posted in awhile due to many reasons but mainly Blogspot changed their home page for bloggers. I can't find anything on my iPad so I can post. Yesterday my husband and I had guest over for supper. We went to Publix for groceries. As we took off down the road we noticed a few street light out. We thought this must have just happened. We entered Publix to out surprise the store was dark. I was explained to us that the lights had been out for 30 minutes. They had a generator so the AC and some lights were on. As we made our way around the store I had my cane out and told my poor husband not to move more than 4 feet away from me. We found most of the items we needed. Did I mention the just rearranged the store so I'm not sure where most things are. The employees were working together to cover the refrigerated and frozen foods. The staff were very friendly asking did we find everything we needed and had flashlights to help. I told my husband I usually have a flashlight in my purse but not today. At the register they were joking about the lights I commented as I folded my cane "Now you now what my world is like". We heard from several friends that their neighborhood were without light but not ours. Today the newspaper reported the outage was due to a squirrel in the transformer.

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