NLS developing app for blind users of Apple and Android mobile devices
The NLS Materials and Development Division (MDD), Automation Office, and Network Division staff are currently developing an app—BARD Mobile—that facilitates reading NLS audio and braille books on Apple and Android devices. “The app will enable eligible users to read digital talking books and electronic braille. iPhones support 40 different braille displays and Androids support about a dozen,” explained MDD chief Michael Katzmann. “Any of our digital books and magazines can be downloaded from BARD directly to the device. Due to poor accessibility of older devices, our app will only work on newer versions of Android.” BARD Mobile will be free to registered BARD users.

NLS consumer relations officer Judy Dixon demonstrates to coworkers how her iPhone’s built-in, screen-reading technology, VoiceOver allows her to read an e-book during an informal session on November 19, 2012. NLS res earch and development officer Neil Bernstein videotapes Dixon’s demonstration and projects it onto a screen behind her for sighted staff.